Saturday, February 13, 2010

Beyond Worship Lite (Laurence Barber)

While this isn't a "book summary" it's my thoughts on an article my uncle posted on his blog (

He titled the article "Beyond Worship Lite" and in it he reflects on the current Sunday morning worship service styles in Canada. Having pastored for many years and now serving as Director of Missional Initiatives with the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec he's a man I deeply respect.

Here's some quotes from his article and my comments:

"Some of the churches that I serve have over 40 nations represented... Many of them, have worshiped in quite different ways, in their country of origin, in ways quite different... Some expect a day-long gathering... others want a one-hour, clearly-defined service that ends promptly (so they can get to the restaurant with their friends before the other denomination is let out and takes all the parking lot and eating spaces)."

I chuckled when I read this quote, all you have to do is insert "Swiss Chalet" as the restaurant. Praise the Lord for the diversity of His people. Now the task for us who have these diverse cultures as part of our communities is to celebrate that diversity in our weekly services. Some things we've done here in Hamilton at Philpott have been to sing the chorus' of How Great Thou Art or Angels We Have Heard On High in Spanish, Finnish, Swahili, French, etc.

He goes on to write some great points about the importance of involving children and the entire family in the service, not just shuffling people off to their own "sector of church".

"Or should we say "grab your coffee; find a seat" (I have seen this too, but it didn't seem to me to be as effective; since that's all we did before the band kicked in and we sang together a kind of 'Jesus is my boyfriend' almost spiritually erotic 'worship song'".

I have seen this too! Drives me nuts! For more on my thoughts on these types of songs see my review of "Why Men Hate Going To Church" (

"The English Book of Common Prayer though not set to music, yet has rhythm of thought and word, almost musical in its speech. We could do worse, often are doing worse, than to rediscover it and other worship prompts and conduits like it."

I'm going to take this point to heart since I think I have a copy of it on my bookshelf.

"Media includes such things as the following: overhead projector, pipe-organ, electric-organ, piano, drums, synthesizer, choir, soloist, quartet, trio, cello, violin, guitar, pulpit, lectern, Bible (version, translation, paraphrase), sound system, computer, LCD projector, hymnal, motet, anthem, Communion Table, open Bible, icon, bulletin, stained glass window, candle, sanctuary architecture, art (Jesus pictures, banners, colour, symbols (anchor, shell, cross), flower display (bouquet, lily, poinsettia), overall look of the church building (upkeep, repair, architecture, plainness, austerity, height, steeple, bell), property (cut lawns, snow-shoveled walk, trees, bushes, flowers, ecologically green-friendly, weedy) – well, you get the point... Some we use, and over-use or never use."

For example, at Philpott in the 1st service I'd say we overuse the piano, guitar, NASB translation, and under/never use a paraphrase translation, choir, hymnal, banners, symbols (like an anchor)....

"The goal of worship is not that everyone is happy but that God is pleased."

Great point!!!

"‘My wife and I aren’t happy. The needs of our family are not being met here. We are going to find a church that meets our needs.’ Where does one find that kind of thinking in Scripture other than where it is condemned for the selfish, God-robbing attitude that it is."

AGREED! Church is not all about 'you' its about God. I've known people who'll drive 30 minutes to church, past 15 solid evangelical churches, just to go where there needs are met (that's a pet peeve of mine)

"The best ancient hymns were about 'we' not about 'I'".


One of the last comments I wanted to make was regarding placing our tithes and offering in the offering plate that's passed around. I would LOVE to see offering taken up, even just once, at my church in Hamilton the same way I saw it happen in Tanzania! Why can't each person walk to the front and place coins, bills, or cheques into a basket?! 1) It's more interactive. 2) It involves everyone! Child who gives $1, student who gives $10 or worker who gives $300. It's not a show, but it involves the entire community!

Those are my thoughts...