Saturday, July 17, 2010

Serving As Senders (Neal Pirolo)

Karen just smiled as I read this book on the beach in Cuba as we relaxed celebrating our one year anniversary. I was excited to join the Missions Committee at our church when we returned and this book provided some great practical advice and questions for we who stay in Canada "Serving as Senders"!

The chapters were broken down into the different ways we can "support" our friends who serve God by telling others about Jesus around the world. Most people think of supporting missionaries as only "financial support" but it's so much more!


Being there for them as they prepare to go, are gone and when they come back. Being in their corner and cheering them on!


Church leadership must encourage spiritual growth 1) before missionaries go, 2) while they’re on the field and 3) when they return home (pg 57)

Attending to Personal Details (1) Material Goods, (2) Family Matters (3) Ministry needs (pg 65)

How to do it right (1) Sit down with several sessions with the couple you are sending (2) Get a power of attorney for husband and wife separately (3) Set up record-keeping system (4) Make wills complete and save them in a safety deposit box giving you access (5) Pray


How to be wise about our giving:
1) Is the money you give going for what they say it is?
2) Is the project really hitting a decision point of battle for souls?
3) What is the administrative/field use ratio of missions funds?


Here is a prayer list for your cross-cultural worker:

- Adjusting to the new language, foods, new customs, hard climate
- Protection in travel, health, accidents, dangerous situations
- Parents’ concern for their children’s health, schooling, friendships. Housing accommodations, lack of privacy, different living standards
- Loneliness, homesickness, lack of accustomed fellowship with others
- Effectiveness in ministry / assignment
- Functioning of the tools of ministry
- Lake of visible results
- The people being ministered to, the national Christians, the leaders of the country
- Need for stability, wisdom, compassion, self-discipline, boldness, love, to be filled with Spirit


Let them share what they have been learning - in your small group or at the church. (pg 177)


Several key points to [develop a strong missions program] can be derived:
1) The pastor must be on board
2) Short-term teams are vital in the development of church-mission relationships
3) Deep personal relationships must be cultivated with long-term field missionaries
4) Agencies and churches need to work together (pg 166)

Zero in on a few places in the world where the church has long-term missionaries, put resources to bear and get personal. (pg 167)

Prominently display literature and posters that encourage reaching the unreached. On your church’s map of the world, trace the 10/40 window. Highlight any missionaries you have working in that area or training nationals to go to that area. (pg 175)

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