Sunday, August 28, 2011

mp3s by Al Mohler and C.J. Mahaney

One of the latest blessings in my life has been listening to free mp3s on the drive to and from work and construction sites. My favourite sites are

From the Sovereign Grace page I downloaded one message by Dr. Al Mohler (President of SBTS) titled "Embracing God's Design for Marriage". In it he highlighted the importance of male headship in the home and church. Here are the 9 dimensions of headship he described. The whole talk is good but if you want to hear these 9 listen from the 38-50 minute mark.

1) spiritual - every husband must be a Bible teacher. He must ensure his wife and children are spiritually instructed.
2) relational - husbands must lead in developing deep meaningful relationships in the home. First with his wife, then with each child.
3) sexual - the husband must learn to be a lover. He must study his wife and please her.
4) governmental - the husband must govern, not as a president who was elected, or as a dictator not considering others opinions, but as a governor looking out for the best interests of his household
5) judicial - he must lay down the law. Obedience must be learned; disobedience must be punished
6) ecclesial - every godly husband must lead his family to be actively involved in a local church
7) cultural - he must take responsibility for the type of entertainment allowed into the home, for what his family sees and listens to
8) financial - husbands are to provide adequate provision, 1 Tim 5:8 reminds us we must first provide for our own family or else we're worse than unbelievers. Husbands should lead in giving to the church and to God's global purposes.
9) historical - husbands are to commemorate and instruct their children in the tradition of faithful ones who have gone before.

Overall I thought this talk was great. Very challenging and convicting. Definitely some points / ideas for future Men's Breakfasts!

I also listened to talks by C.J. Mahaney titled "Gospel-Centered Parenting". Here's part of one of his closing prayers:

We leave trusting You to work in the lives of our children in ways only You can work... We thank you that you have provided for us the children of Your choosing. [Thank you] that You are committed to caring for them, and will assist us with Your grace, as we train them to serve You for Your glory.

As he prayed that my voice cried out "AMEN". For some reason God has blessed Karen and I with Rachel Elisabeth. He has chosen her for us and He is more committed to loving and caring for her than we could ever be. What peace that brings!

He also said at one point:
Parenting is ultimately about preparing your child for the Day of Judgement.

And he emphasized that the local church family should be valued more than your individual family. He shared how valuable family nights have been for his family, but he also said make church family events even more of a priority!

In my application that means PMC family > Heska family. Interesting. He says the Church (big family) will endure forever. The Heska (little family) will not. I'm still wrestling through how that will be lived out.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Thanks for your blog, David, I read it regularly, and wanted to let you know.