Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Foundations - Scriptural Principles Undergirding SIM (Hay)

Karen had this book written by Ian Hay in 1988 when he was the General Director of SIM International. So I decided to read it. On the opening page he dedicates the book... 
"To the missionaries of SIM International past and present, whose devotion to Christ and His commission have laid a sound base for SIM ministries"
Then he begins
"There are no unreachable people, only the unreached.  The task is not impossible, but it requires total obedience on our part...It is imperative that a fresh group of totally committed missionaries be found to meet today's challenges" (pg 19)
When I read the first line about no unreachable people I said "AMEN"!  Then I read about a "fresh group of totally committed missionaries" and said "am I supposed to be one of them"?

One aspect of SIM that I appreciate is their focus on metting spiritual AND physical needs while understanding the balance outlined in this next quote.
"Relieving hunger, attacking social evils, providing fine education, and other such efforts, although they are important and valid aspects of our church planting efforts, can not by themselves achieve God's purposes for mankind." (pg 26)
Plus SIM realizes more than just evangelism is required...
"The Mission quickly learned that Christ's total commission demands more than evangelism.  To bring people to new birth through evangelism and to stop at that point is to follow a truncated commission.  Discipling - teaching "them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20) - is crucial." (pg 29)
I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this quote:
"God's basic pattern for missionary responsibility has not changed.  It resides in the church, which has the authority for missionary outreach.  The responsibility and authority, however, is delegated by the local church tot he mission society, which becomes the agency for missionary outreach.  The mission society, in turn, is accountable to the sending church.  Thus the full cycle of true delegation is maintained. There are those who question the validity of mission societies such as SIM.  They state that such organizations are an accident of history, existing only because the church failed, and as a result God raised up societies to get the task done.  SIM does not agree with this line of reasoning." (pg 43)
I'm still not sure about this, because I've heard the saying "if the local church had been doing its job we wouldn't need mission agencies" and I partially agree.  I realize they are very important and valuable nonetheless.

Here's a good Rowland Bingham quote:
"It is not my 'mighty faith' but my little faith in a mighty God.  God, and God alone is my confidence today" (pg 50)
And finally a quote on money:
"We inform God's people of the Mission's needs...  Some people question the element of faith in this principle... There is no questions in my mind that god led such giants of the faith as Hudson Taylor and George Mueller in their decisions that He alone should be informed of their needs.  Certainly that is not inconsistent with Scripture, but clearly it is not the only Biblical way of exercising faith as it relates to financial stewardship. The apostle Paul was explicit in what he had to say about giving.  One one occasion he sent Titus and another brother to Corinth to collect funds for the needy in Jerusalem.  Nothing could be more forthright that the appeal he made and the instructions he gave in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9." (pg 53)

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