Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Threads - The Gospel and Personal Evangelism (Platt)

In July 2008 David Platt did a series called "Threads - The Gospel and Personal Evangelism" at his church.  In the summer of 2012 I listened to these 4 mp3 sermons (linked here) and was challenged.  Here are my notes.

In Romans 1 the word "apostles" is a broader term used elsewhere.

Platt defines the Gospel as "The good news that the just and gracious God of the universe looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, to bear His wrath against sin on the cross to show His power over sin in the resurrection so that all who have faith in Him will be reconciled to God forever."

"unhindered" = the last word in Acts in the Greek

You are not calling people to embrace truths you are calling them to embrace a person - Christ!  You are not calling them to adopt your religion, you are calling people to be adopted into a relationship... The goal is disciples not decisions.

There are 5 major points he makes: God, Sinful Man, Christ, Necessity of Faith, Urgency of Eternity

Practical Applications re God 
- Creator and Judge
- acknowledge to others that God has made all (ie sunset, baby, stars, etc)
- acknowledge ways God is gracious to you

Practical Applications re Sinful Man
- acknowledge you want justice in a sinful world
- acknowledge you are sinful (ie "Daddy is prone to sin too")

Practical Applications re Christ
- speak with hope
- speak about death with joy
- when's the last time you told someone of Jesus' death and resurrection
- tell others of Jesus' work in your life

Practical Applications re Necessity of Faith
- tell your story of faith
- don't say "Good luck"
- point people to the Lordship of Christ, but tell people to "make" Christ Lord of their lives (He already is Lord over all)
- urge and call people to trust Christ

Practical Applications re Urgency of Eternity
- minimize talk of temporal matters
- talk about hell with humility
- talk about being with God with hope
- remind others that dying is gain

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