Sunday, September 13, 2009

Too Busy Not To Pray (Bill Hybels)

from an email February 7, 2005

Well it’s that time again... after a weekend at home I was able to finish off this book by Bill Hybels “Too Busy Not To Pray”. Recently 3 words have been coming to my mind as I examined my personal life... “patience” and “slow down”! This book encouraged and challenged me to spend time with our loving, and powerful heavenly Father. To him be the glory!

When we work, we work; but when we pray, God works – pg 13

I also have a private line that rings right on my desk. I’ve given the number to a few colleagues to use in emergencies, and I’ve given it to my wife and children. I’ve told my kids they can call me anytime for any reason. Believe me, no one’s voice sounds sweeter to me than theirs. When I hear “Hi Dad,” I don’t care what I’m juggling. I can drop it. My children are an absolute priority to me. Now take a father’s feeling for his children and multiply it exponentially, and you’ll know how your heavenly Father feels about you. – pg 28

A “prayer warrior” is a person who is convinced that God is omnipotent – that God has the power to do anything, to change anyone and to intervene in any circumstance. A person who truly believes this refuses to doubt God. – pg 38

In my opinion it is absolutely essential to begin times of prayer with adoration, or worship. Adoration sets the tone for the entire prayer. It reminds us whom we are addressing, whose presence we have entered, whose attention we have gained. – pg 63

Before bringing a request to the Lord, it’s a good idea to ask: If God granted this request: Would it bring glory to Him? Would it advance His kingdom? Would it help people? Would it help me to grow spiritually? – pg 92

The most common cause of unanswered prayer is prayerlessness. – pg 101

(that quote might seem super obvious but its 100% true...)

In 1978 I traveled to Korea to visit the world’s largest church. At that time every Friday night from 8pm to 7am on Saturday morning, 10 000 people gathered in a auditorium and prayed that God would take the church’s ministry by storm. Every Saturday several thousand people went to a mountain they call Prayer Mountain, sat in its many caves and prayed that God would work in a supernatural way. In 1978 the church had 100 000 members. Some people might have thought it was large enough, but its members had a vision. Ten prayer-filled years later, the church membership was up to 450 000. Today there are over one million members! When we work, we work; when we pray, God works! – pg 103

Some years ago we had a baptism Sunday where many people publicly affirmed their decision to follow Christ. I thought my heart would explode for joy. Afterward, in the stairwell, I bumped into a woman who was crying. I couldn’t understand how anyone could weep after such a celebration, so I stopped and asked her if she was all right. “No,” she said, “I’m struggling. My mother was baptized today.” This is a problem? I thought. “I prayed for her every day for 20 years,” the woman said, and then she started crying again. “You’re going to have to help me understand this,” I said. “I’m crying,” the woman replied, “because I came so close – so close – to giving up on her. I mean, after 5 years I said ‘Who needs this? God isn’t listening’ After 10 years I said, ‘Why am I wasting my breath?’ After 15 years I said, ‘This is absurd.’ After 19 years I said, ‘I’m just a fool.’ But I guess I just kept praying, even though my faith was weak. I kept praying, and she gave her life to Christ, and she was baptized today.” The woman paused and looked me in the eye and said “I will never doubt the power of prayer again.” – pg 121

It makes no sense to believe that God lost his voice at the end of the first century. If the essence of Christianity is a personal relationship between the almighty God and individual human beings, it stands to reason that God still speaks to believers today. You can’t build a relationship on one-way speeches. You need frequent, sustained, intimate contact between two persons, both of whom speak and both of whom listen. – pg 136

(I don’t want you guys to get the impression that I think God will appear to me like he did to Paul on the Road to Damascus... but it’s a good point that a relationship always has 2 way communication... when’s the last time you stopped.. slowed down and listened for God’s still small voice?)

People who are really interested in hearing from God must pay a price: they must discipline themselves to be still before God. – pg 145

First, all leadings that come from God are consistent with his word, the Bible. – pg 160

(Mike Lewis: I threw that quote in there for you!!! Sola Scriptura!!!)

Life can’t throw anything at you that you can’t handle with God. – pg 177

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