Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why I Still Believe (Joe Boot)

from an email January 7, 2007

After a couple days back at McMaster even though the school term has begun there's not much work to be done yet (although I'm probably behind in something already but such is life). I thought on this Sunday afternoon I would summarize a book I finished over the Christmas break. Probably not on my top 5 all-time list, but good none the less. It's kind of funny that the two quotes I use from Joe Boot's book aren't even quotes from him. But Joe Boot is a great man who we had come to McMaster in October and debate on the topic "Does God Exist". I really respect him and am thankful God has gifted men like him with such inquistive, theology, sound reasoning minds.


"Shall we say then that in my early life I was conditioned to believe in God, while you were left free to your own judgment as you pleased? But this will hardly do. You know as well as I that every child is conditioned by its environment. You were as thoroughly conditioned not to believe in God as I was to believe in God. So let us not call each other names. If you want to say that belief was poured down my throat, I shall retort by saying that unbelief was poured down your throat." – Cornelius Van Til

"I will presently condemn and quit any opinion of mine, as soon as I am shown that it is contrary to any revelation of the Holy Scripture." – John Locke

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