Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just Like Jesus (Max Lucado)

from an email July 14, 2005

Well after a 2+ month "leave of absence" ... Dave Heska is back ... and with it comes the "book reports". For everyone who didn't go to Tanzania... for your info... my friends there bugged me about typing these things up ... so Jordi, Melissa, Dawei, Cindy, Heather, Nathalie, Steve and Robyn this one is dedicated to you guys! :)

So ya.. there in Tanzania (on the plane rides and a bit before bed or on Sunday afternoons) I was able to read 4 solid books. A "Just Like Jesus Devotional" (that I'll summarize here by Max Lucado) and then "Don't Waste Your Life" (John Piper), "Courageous Leadership" (Bill Hybels) and "The Pursuit of God" (AW Tozer). Only the first one is included here and the other 3 are on my to do list and will be coming later... for now I hope you enjoy reading these quotes and stories and are challenged by them!

Just Like Jesus Devotional (A 30 Day Walk with the Saviour) – by Max Lucado

God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus. (pg 1)

The day Jesus left the carpentry shop of Nazareth he had one ultimate aim: the cross of Calvary. (pg 75)

If God’s goal is the salvation of the world, then my goal should be the same. (pg 79)

My family did something thoughtful for me last night. They had a party in my honor – a surprise birthday party. Early last week I told Denalyn not to plan anything except a nice family evening at a restaurant. She listened only to the restaurant part. I was unaware that half a dozen families were going to join us. In fact, I tried to talk her into staying at home. “Let’s have the dinner on another night,” I volunteered. Andrea had been sick. Jenna had homework, and I’d spent the afternoon watching football games and felt lazy – not really in a mood to get up and clean up and go out. I thought I’d have no problem convincing the girls to postpone the dinner. Boy was I surprised! They wouldn’t think of it. Each of my objections was met with a united front and a unanimous defense. My family made it clear – we were going out to eat. Not only that, we were leaving on time. I consented and set about getting ready. But to their dismay, I moved too slowly. We were a study in contrasts. My attitude was, “Why hurry?” My daughter’s attitude was “Hurry up!” I was ho-hum. They were gung-ho. I was content to stay. They were anxious to leave. To be honest, I was bewildered by their actions. They were being uncharacteristically prompt. Curiously enthused. Why the big deal? I mean, I enjoy a night out as much as the next guy, but Sara giggled all the way to the restaurant. Only when we arrived did their actions make sense. One step inside the door and I understood their enthusiasm. SURPRISE! No wonder they were acting differently. They knew what I didn’t. They had seen what I hadn’t. They’d already seen the table stacked and gifts and smelled the cake. Since they knew about the party, they did everything necessary to see that I didn’t miss it.

Jesus does the same for us. He knows about THE PARTY. In one of the greatest chapters in the Bible, Luke 15, he tells three stories. Each story speaks of something lost and of something found. A lost sheep. A lost coin. And a lost son. And at the end of each one, Jesus describes a party, a celebration. The shepherd throws the party for the lost-now-found sheep. The housewife throws a party because of the lost-now-found coin. And the father throws a party in honor of his lost-now-found son. (pg 126-127)

“There are Christmas days in heaven where Christ’s high mass is kept, and Christ is not glorified because he was born in a manger but because he is born in a broken heart. And these are days when the shepherd brings home the lost sheep upon his shoulders, when the church has swept her house and found the lost piece of money, for then are these friends and neighbors called together, and they rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory over one sinner who repents.” ~ Charles Spurgeon (pg 128)

Let a child call and the ear of the Father inclines. Let a saint die and the gate is opened. And, most importantly, let a sinner repent, and every other activity cease, and every heavenly being celebrates! (pg 129)

“Heaven is a perfect place for people made perfect.” ~ Charles Spurgeon (pg 134)

Let this book be but one of dozens you read about Jesus and this hour be but one of hundreds in which you seek him. Step away from the puny pursuits of possessions and positions, and seek your king. (pg 166)

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