Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rethinking the Church (James White)

from an email October 28, 2007

Just to clarify... I'm not going all postmodern and "emergent church" by summarizing this book. James White makes some great points in the book that I continue to ponder and think over... First of all he clearly states that,

Rethinking the church has nothing to do with compromising the church's message. (pg 21)

The life saving gospel message will always be the unchangeable truth. But the way in which we as the church present it and the way in which we gather together may change as the years pass. For instance, did you know

Many churches meet for worship on Sundays at 11:00am. The eleven o'clock hour was originally chosen to accommodate the milking schedule of dairy farmers. Yet long after the end of a predominantly agricultural society, many churches continue to meet at that hour. (pg 88)

It's kind of a stupid point, but it made me think... (Q) where in the Bible does it say church is at 11am? (A) No where. So why am I so stuck on the fact that church is in the morning on Sunday... If you want it to be at 1pm why can't it be at 1pm? :)

This one is something I've been pondering over recently with the Campus for Christ Staff and Servant Team here at McMaster as we lead together.

"Most churches take their brightest and best people and turn them into bureaucrats" – Rick Warren (pg 98)

White steals this quote was from Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven Church" book and I'm continuing to wonder... What am I called to do? What am I not called to do? How can I avoid become just another "bureaucrat".

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